Thursday, 16 November 2017

Thank you to all those who completed the questionnaire, the topics that you have chosen has been collated and the results can be found on the Questionnaire page. 

The topics for the congress will be as follows: (May be subject to change)

Debate Sessions:

1. Gender Inequality: Incentivisation of Men Into Nursing
2. Are Mental Health Nurses, Nurses?
3. A review of Nursing Education: Should Nursing be Taught in Hospitals?

Discussion Group:

1. Will the NMC Review of Nursing Education Impact Student Nurses' Development?
2. Raising Concerns and Whistle Blowing
3. How will Brexit Impact on the Nursing Workforce in the UK


1. The Transition Period from a Student Nurse to a Qualified Nurse
2. Recruitment - What are employees looking for?
3. Sharing Elective Placement Experience

For more information about our Programme for the day, please click into the 'Congress Programme' tab above